Past Events

February 2019

Der Winter gibt uns die Möglichkeit uns zurückzuziehen. Der Stille zu lauschen, sie wahrzunehmen und geniessen, aber auch darin laut zu werden. Die neuen Formen erkennen, welche sich nach dem loslassen der alter Blätter zeigen, und diese manifestieren.

Dies ist unser zweites Retreat der Jahreszeiten-Serie, gewidmet dem Winter.

Mehr Infos und Anmeldung:

Mario 079 708 3913, Kremena 076 234 4518.

November 2018

Der Herbst ist für uns die Zeit um los zu lassen, zurück auf den Boden zu sich zu kommen, tief zu atmen, klar zu werden und den intensiven Sommer zu konservieren.

Mit diesem Wochenende starten wir eine Serie von 4tel-jährlichen Retreats die den jeweiligen Jahreszeiten gewidmet werden.

Mehr Info und Anmeldung: / Mario 079 708 39 13

March 2018

March 15 and 29, 2018: Pantry staples

What do you really need? In the kitchen, as in life, a question many of us constantly grapple with. Your stock of basic staples is the culinary palate which you use to create magic in the kitchen, from the humblest one-pot dinner to the most decadent of feasts. Unlike those special black walnuts you got excited about at some fancy food shop once, and that now sit sad and unused in the back of your shelf, these basics — grains, pulses, seeds, nuts, flours, spices, oils, fridge staples and so on — are your family and community. They should have your trust and respect, therefore it is worth considering their journey to your kitchen — what they are exactly, how they were produced, where and by whom. We will pay particular attention to these questions as we go over suggestions for culinary building blocks.

How many types of lentils do you really need, what are those favourites that you really cannot live without, do you have components to build a 15-minute meal as well as a leisurely weekend feast? There is no “right” objective answer, and it takes some self-reflection to choose a solution that is right for you in your current context; and the flexibility to continually balance exploitation of what you know and exploration of the undiscovered. This process of pantry maintenance is the most basic and most important step you can take to cooking and eating sustainably, and I hope the workshops will guide you to get started and stay on track.

February 2018

Feb 15 and March 1: Protein power pulses

You think humble lentils and beans cannot possibly compete with a sexy seitan or meaty steak? You are bored of bland hummus, mushy beans, tasteless lentils? Then come with me on a journey to explore the stars of the plant protein world! We will learn about convenient lentils, versatile chickpeas, and hearty beans; how to soak, cook and sprout them; flavour combinations from near and far; where to find exciting, less-common varieties and what to do with them; their nutritional value; and much more! You will come away with new insights and inspiration about those everyday varieties you are already familiar with, as well as get a glimpse of an undiscovered world of pulses that you will feel confident and empowered to explore.

Part 1 workshop notes
Part 2 workshop notes

January 2018

Jan 18 and Feb 1: Winter vegetables, leaf to root

You think the humble winter cannot possibly compete with summer’s decadent abundance? You are bored of bland boiled beetroot, knobbly celery and cabbage, cabbage, cabbage? Then come with me on a winter wonderland journey! We will learn about everything from fascinating roots to fresh green leaves; how to approach the abundance of little known roots and tubers on the market stand; how to massage kale into a wonderful raw salad; how to transform the common cabbage to a culinary superstar; how to make Brussels-sprouts sing; how to use all parts of the plant, including peels, roots, seeds and what you thought were inedible greens; and much more! You will come away with new insights and inspiration about produce you are already familiar with, as well as get a glimpse of an undiscovered world of winter roots and leaves that you will feel confident and empowered to explore.

December 2017

Lunch’n’learn workshops at the Impact Hub Bern

19.12 Vegan baking: Christmas cookies
Grab your rolling pin and get ready to blow everyone’s minds with a variety of delicious, nutritious, fully vegan cookies this Christmas. Yes, it’s possible, and no, it’s not hard. Cookies are a great introduction to vegan baking, and you’ll learn tips and tricks for replacing eggs, dairy and butter in traditional recipes. Gluten-free or processed-sugar-free options available on demand, just write a note in the comments when signing up. And no, we won’t only have cookies for lunch 😉
12.12 Seitan
Seitan (not to be confused with satan) has found a place on many a hippy’s happy plates when the craving for a hearty, satisfying meat replacement kicks in. It’s made from gluten, the main protein of wheat, and is a handy, versatile thing to have up your sleeve when wooing those omnivore guests. We’ll learn how to make it from scratch, which is both cheaper and much more delicious than the sad, chewy sponges sitting on store shelves. You’ll learn a variety of applications, not least as an impressive veggie roast for your Christmas feast.
5.12 Soup
Winter is here, so for our first December workshop, there’s just one thing to cook — a bowl of cozy, comforting soup. Whether humble or hearty, velvety smooth or rustic chunky, there’s a soup for every soul; we’ll learn a general procedure which you can use to make a variety of different creations depending on the season, your mood, the occasion, and taste preferences…  We’ll then apply this procedure in class to put together a delicious pot of goodness for our lunch.

17.12.17 Projekt Habakuk Open Sunday: Chirstmas with the Habakuks

12:00 – 16:00
Heitere Fahne, Dorfstrasse 22/24, Wabern

The Habakuks celebrate Christmas with a vegan lunch feast for everyone — a classic seitan roast, rustic whole-grain barley with mushrooms and spices, pillowy mashed potatoes with a sexy saffron-garlic butter twist, and beautiful bio local seasonal veggies. Topped off with an unreasonable but appropriate amount of our Habacookies and vegan Stollen as you digest over tea or coffee. Our cook Kremena will give a short intro to vegan baking so you can produce even more unreasonable amounts of cookies for all your friends and family this Christmas.

Lunch buffet with dessert, 12 to 14:30, 20-30 CHF.
Drinks, cake, snacks until 16:00.

November 2017

Lunch’n’learn workshops at the Impact Hub Bern

14.11 Vegan quiche
Quiche is one of those versatile dishes that is great to have in your culinary repertoire, because it can be quick, easy, adaptable and is always a crowd-pleaser at lunch, brunch or simple dinner tables. I’ve tried many a vegan quiche recipe in my time, and today we will prepare the recipe I find to be a great all-rounder, with inexpensive and nutritious ingredients, quick and easy prep time, and delicious results.
21.11 Fermentation 101
We’ll take a first peek into the magical, bubbly world of fermentation, by making our own Korean-style “Sauerkraut” called Kimchi. We’ll go over a few other quick vegetable pickling ideas, learn the easiest way to sterilise preserves jars and introduce some nutritious fermented products that you can play around with in your own kitchen.
28.11 Onions!
I love the fact that Bern has a traditional market especially celebrating that humble but ubiquitous vegetable, the onion. The Zibelemärit is on Monday, 27 November, this year, and I will go and procure unreasonable amounts of onions so that we can prepare a simple onion soup, the epitome of comfort food. We’ll enjoy it with some amazing, crusty bread, a heart-to-heart about food traditions and nostalgia, and a slice of… onion pie, perhaps?

19.11.2017 Projekt Habakuk Open Sunday: lunch ‘n’ craft

12:00 – 16:00
Heitere Fahne, Dorfstrasse 22/24, Wabern
Come fill your belly with deliciousness from Habakuk’s classic buffet then digest and relax while crafting your own personal Christmas cards or small presents at our community table. Habacrafters will show you how, and the kids can join too. Accompanied by a slice of home-made cake, a cup of coffee and Ian Leu’s soft serenades… it’s Sunday at its best.Lunch buffet with dessert:  12 to 14:30,  20-30 CHF.
Drinks, cake, snacks: until 16:00.
Crafts table and music: from 14:00 on,  by donation.

October 2017

Sonntag, 29.10.17, 12 – 17 Uhr, mit Projekt Habakuk in der Heitere Fahne.

Brunch war gestern! Das innovative Team vom Projekt Habakuk lädt euch diesmal ein zu einer sonntäglichen Schlemmerei zwischen zmittag & zvieri. Ab 12.00 Uhr ist das Buffet reichlich gedeckt mit veganen Köstlichkeiten zum selber schöpfen, und gegen Nachmittag gibt’s einen nahtlosen Übergang zu Kaffee & Kuchen. So kommen auch Spätaufsteher & Ausgangsgeschändete auf ihre Kosten. Platziert werdet ihr übrigens an verschiedenen Gemeinschaftstischen; euer smart phone dürft ihr für einmal ausschalten & dafür mit eurem Tischnachbar ein paar nette Worte austauschen!

À propos Übergänge & Geschändete, des Gastes potentieller Katers wird im Verlaufe des Tages gehätschelt von warmen Ambient- & sanften Chillout-Klängen direkt aus der Plattenkiste von DJ Share (Tech Noir Club).
Jetzt mal ehrlich – was will mensch mehr an einem Sonntag…?