• White asparagus and rhubarb soup

    It is white asparagus season here in Germany! Those beautiful pale stalks are now gracing the local market stands, alongside some robust rhubarb… This spring I’ve been experimenting a bit with rhubarb in savoury applications with mostly pleasing results.

  • Козунак

    This past weekend was Orthodox Easter. Three (!) years ago I wrote a post on our Habakuk blog about козунак, a traditional Easter yeast-raised sweet bread.

  • Pesto magic

    Pesto is one of those lovely, practical condiments that lights up the room and brings dishes to life. Infinitely versatile depending on what else is happening on the table, you can take it well beyond the traditional basil staple.

  • Clean slates and pulses

    Happy New Year! I’m a little late to the party, it being February and all, but here we are! I’m not much of a resolutionist nor a fan of the January detox frenzy, but I do have a goal or…

  • Salad for breakfast

    Yep, breakfast salad. Vibrant ruby grapefruit and crisp apple matchsticks drizzled with fresh-pressed ginger juice, a squeeze of lemon, barley malt syrup and chia seeds. On top of a day-old pancake. With some almond-soy yoghurt for creaminess. Not a bad…

  • Pear ginger almond smoothie

    Today’s breakfast smoothie: pear and banana, almond, hulled hemp seeds and oat milk for protein, dark molasses for iron and lots of ginger for an immune system boost because Toby was feeling a little sickly. Topped with some roasted tigernut…

  • Gluten-free cake goodness

    The other day, I felt like eating cake. It was also high time for a blog post. And I recently met a friend who’s eating mostly gluten-free. So I thought, “Why, I’ll develop a gluten-free cake recipe for the blog,…

  • Abundance

    Friends, it’s plum season here in Berlin. We got a giant bucket of the stuff at the yoga cafe the other day, from the house manager or somebody who has a farm nearby…